How could municipalities adapt to avoid gatherings in the shopping streets? Barriers and people counters could be the solutions, find out more!A lot of things have really changed in the last year. In recent months, perhaps we did not expect a
second wave
of this
that could have a new and so strong repercussion especially on the Christmas period. We Italians are strongly linked to our Christmas traditions such as going through the streets of the center for the usual Last Second Christmas shopping , visiting our favorite shops.

The new Prime Ministerial Decree of December 4, 2020, it sets us precise rules to give some breathing space to this economy that has suffered too much and perhaps, thinking of a propitious period such as Christmas sales, tries to focus on the salient points that can help us on the one hand to resume our life and our beloved customs and on the other asks us for responsibility towards everything we do, how NOT TO CROWD TOO MUCH THE STREETS OF THE CENTER – in short, do it with civic conscience.

But will it really be easy to keep the streets of the center “uncrowded”? How will the Municipality be able to adapt quickly to this new challenge?

Certainly with a limited number of access and with clear and really applicable anti-gathering rules, thus limiting and controlling the numbers at the entrance and exit gates, managing the capacities in the “usual” streets of the center “normally” more congested, using barriers with people counters in the streets and squares with a limited number.

The system, with the Spazio Mp2 Barriers and its people counting systems could be the modular solution to manage and regulate access and exit flows, perhaps guaranteeing with mandatory routes, dividing, closing and controlling all the access routes to the shopping areas.

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