The 32nd Turin International Book Fair has won its 2 bets!!
On the one hand, the intent was to prove to be an event with high contents but within everyone’s reach, proposing profound and useful reflections to refine the gaze on our time. On the other hand, the Salone del Libro 2019 wanted to offer a quality experience, with a revolutionized fair in logistics and organization: the
63,000 square meters of exhibition space
, the novelty of the Oval, the
3 entrances
to better manage the flows of public and the many services have made it accessible to all types of visitors, for a fair really tailored to people.

Approximately 150,000 visitors, an increase compared to 2018, demonstrating that the growth of the Salone is constant from year to year, to which in addition to the approximately 27,000 who took part in the Salone Off, the book festival in the neighborhoods and in the territory that this year has offered more than
530 appointments
270 different places
, involving all 8 Circumscriptions of the City of Turin and 20 municipalities of the territory with incursions also in the Region.

A participation that confirms the affection of the public for this great cultural project. That of 2019 was a Salon redesigned to be inclusive, open to the territory, able to meet the needs of different types of visitors. The organizers have focused on a change of trend with respect to the livability and functionality of the fair.

The more fluid access system
, organized in three entrances, allowed – for example – to better manage the stress test on Saturday morning, satisfying more than
15,000 visitors
in an hour and a half
they showed up at the gates and entered the Lingotto quickly and without inconvenience. The public showed that they appreciated the Oval South access, the one connected directly to the Lingotto Railway Station, from which 50% more visitors entered than the conventional entrance of the Oval. An alternative was also provided with regard to catering with 18 bar points, 2 restaurants and the welcome quality street food area Passaggi di gusto with the pizzeria Rossopomodoro, the Hamburgheria of Eataly and the Guido Gobino ice cream parlor. Among the most popular services is the free baby parking at the Bookstock Village, which hosted about 200 children aged 3 to 9 years, cared for by 20 volunteers.

On our Facebook page you can find other images related to the event. Follow Us, STAY TUNED!


Service: Rental + installation / transport + Mp COUNTER service

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