On October 28th, Milan was
colored pink
for the
PittaRosso Pink Parade 2018
(#PPP2018), an initiative in support of the
Umberto Veronesi Foundation
to fight female cancers.
The Pink Parade is organized by PittaRosso, a leading company in the sale of footwear and accessories for the whole family, to raise funds in support of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, in the month dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer. The departure of the “brave” participants was scheduled for 10.30 am from Piazza del Duomo, but the bad weather delayed the influx of the same by a few minutes; who could choose between a 5 km walk (quiet walk through the city center) or the non-competitive 10 km timed race for runners and the more daring. So, PittaRosso Pink Parade 2018 wanted to break every record and that is why with the help of MpCounter for the actual count of the influx at the start and the participation of the men and women of the Guinness World Record, despite the pouring and incessant rain, we tried to bring as many people as possible within the 2 hours before the race to form a huge pink bow in Piazza Duomo in Milan. Too bad then, the bad weather, a really heavy rain, which stopped the over 16,000 members, but not the over 6000 participants who were daring and immortalized in the videos and photos for having created the huge pink bow before the wet start.
On our Facebook page you can find other images related to the event. Follow Us, STAY TUNED!
Service: Rental + Transport + Installation of Space Barriers Mp2 and MpCounter System x access control
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