Like every year the friends of ECO RACE Events in their typical appointment with the Idroscalo Milano in Segrate.
A magnificent weekend, both from the point of view of weather and competition, with a lot of triathlon and the opportunity for everyone to attend races of the highest technical level with the Grand Prix and to have fun and challenge each other with the open tests on sprint and Olympic distance. So the unique chance to “run” alongside the international triathlon champions! In conjunction with the Sprint and Olympic Triathlon in Milan, the first stage of the Grand Prix was also held.
Many italian and international triathlon champions have given life to an exciting challenge in the Milanese weekend. The MILAN triathlon branded Eco Race is increasingly international!
@ present as every year: GREAT JOB GUYS!
On our Facebook page you can find other images related to the event. Follow Us, STAY TUNED!
Service: Rental + transport and installation
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