24 h of basketball, this is Play 4 Cecco, sport and charity.. but they, on their site, define themselves: sports, entertainment, food, beers and charity. For this 4th edition, Play 4 Cecco has chosen Transenne.net again and we are really proud to be part of the team again!!!
This year still great guests, including the presence of the DJ Set by Roby Giordana Aimasso and Pippo Palmieri (Radio 105) who animated the Sunday afternoon of Barzanò.
So let’s remind everyone what Play 4 Cecco is: it was born from the idea and passion of the Barzaboys, the basketball team of Barzanò (LC), to remember Francesco “Cecco” Confalonieri, friend in the first place and historical president of Basket Barzanò, who died 4 years ago. So the 24 hours of basketball organized in Barzanò is in memory of “Cecco” and 100% of the proceeds are always donated to charity, to support the fight against cancer.On our Facebook page you can find other images related to the event. Follow Us, STAY TUNED!


Service: Rental of barriers + Trash&Clean baskets

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