Eco Race Events reports after a few years of absence the great Triathlon in Milan and the people of triathlon have responded greatly: over 500 triathletes presented themselves last Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the Idroscalo for this return in style in the Lombard capital and at great demand of triathlon on Olympic distance.
Olympic Triathlon (1.5-40-10K): 1500mt to swim in the Idroscalo basin, and then go out with the bike for a circuit to be done 7 times for a total of 40 Km. Finally, 3 laps along the same basin x 10km of running. and Spazio Mp2: safety, impact image and high visibility. Chosen for several years by Eco Race Events as the perfect setting for the most important areas of the races that it organizes in style. As usual an excellent job, good everyone! from the organizers to the participating athletes.