The “flea market” is back, also better known as “market of “things of other times”, held in Piazzola sul Brenta (PD), as a now historic extraordinary city market, which for over 40 years has been holding the counter every last weekend of the month in the splendid setting of the city of Camerini.After a year and a half of suspension due to the pandemic, so the antiques market is back on Sunday 27/06/2021 boasting thousands of visitors from all over Italy and beyond the Alps.
The long-awaited and postponed appointment starts as usual from dawn to end at sunset and seeing (finally) more than 800 exhibitors reappear in the square, under the arcades, in the former jutificio and even in the streets of the center.

The municipality, assisted by Pro loco, Civil Protection and local associations, has put in place a substantial security plan, implementing all possible protocols and following the national guidelines to face the event in all serenity especially for “aficionados” visitors and new curious as well as for exhibitors. The logistics machine has been working for months to be ready for this post-pandemic edition.

In the previous weeks, exhibitors were given the guidelines to be respected to better organize the event. The control room led by the local police who coordinated all the safety, traffic and parking aspects. For visitors, large parking areas are set up outside the historic center in order to facilitate the inflow and outflow, controlled by 3 accesses and 3 different exits from the automatic people counters strongly desired by the municipal administration and pro loco. Therefore, all the streets of the center were closed to ensure the safety of people in the exhibition area only. At the end of the day, however, it was possible to estimate over 10,000 accesses.

Ready for the next last weekend of July???

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Service: Sale of SMART people counter gates

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