the World Championships of Long Distance Mountain Running
23 nations fought tenaciously along a legendary path, made challenging by the rain, but no one managed to invalidate one after the other the performances of the blues Francesco Puppi, Alessandro Rambaldini, Luca Cagnati, Gil Pintarelli and Nicola Spada, able to conquer the absolute gold as well as the blues Silvia Rampazzo, Antonella Confortola, Stephanie Jimenez, Lisa Buzzoni, the same time obtained by Barbara Bani.
The blue expedition better than this could not honor the organizational commitment of AS Premana, also praised by the new president of WMRA Jonathan Wyatt.
Joy also for the arrival of the amateurs of the Giir di Mont, with many of them to place incredibly ahead of several established champions of mountain running, which gives the idea of the absolute value of this event.
Service: rental only
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