Lombardy Region on PHASE 2 already provided for the reopening of the municipal outdoor markets from the end of April 2020.

Transenne.net, thanks to the
Municipality of Barzanò (LC),
the Civil Protection and the Volunteers, took part in the experimentation of the reopening of the markets of the long-awaited PHASE 2, an occasion in which he also presented the new Smart People Counter, an automatic tool suitable for “simple” needs.

at the Barzanò Market, as per protocol, only the stalls of first necessity were present (about 20 out of a total of 100/120 “usual”) and the Municipality and all the volunteers, had the task of delimiting and limiting the number of those present during the course of the same (5 hours max). For 4 weeks, they managed to guarantee the “normal” development of the municipal outdoor market thanks to what was chosen to put in place to safeguard the health of citizens.

Transenne.net has put in place its
, products and accessories that it often uses for Mass Events.
Starting from the Spazio Mp2 barriers, which delimited the entire area as usual with accessories such as the KIT Porta Cartello to help the Civil Protection and the Municipal Administration to easily and clearly spread the messages of the Lombardy Region protocol from the entrance within the delimited area, such as the BASKETS, placed in strategic areas to collect masks and gloves used at the exit.

The volunteers, after setting up an entrance “snake” created a “fever control station” and a point for the distribution of gloves using the Filtering KIT – modular table of Transenne.net.
Another series of other accessories and tricks have allowed the creation of manned gates for the vehicles and personnel of the market, volunteers and Civil Protection, thus also guaranteeing any possible escape routes, signposted – as in Transenne.net style – by color Green Krypton of the Space Barriers Mp2.

Social distancing has been guaranteed by the new product “COVER spacer” created ad hoc – and possibly customizable – to “further” facilitate the civic sense and compliance with the same protocol.

The SMART people counter, a new element Transenne.net – as anticipated, at its debut – placed at the entrance and exit from the market area, has allowed not only to count and automatically quota the influx to the area with the maximum capacity established and easily set by the user (employees of the Municipality), but also to facilitate it with the help of the TRAFFIC LIGHT that marked the stops or restarted the same entrances automatically, clearly signaling the exceeding of the threshold of attendance limit set to the area concerned or the green light to the same.
A “simple and clear” visual signal that allowed the citizens themselves to “self-manage” the quota at the entrances.
The municipal employees, volunteers and the Civil Protection, of course, have always watched and supervised everything and everyone for the correct and safe functioning of each prescription.

Thank you very much for the beautiful experience!

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Service: Rental Space Mp2, rental Contapersone SMART (soon online)

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