But, as we said above, this “second wave” is making the whole world tremble again. Then, the new Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 December 2020, does not sanction anything different from what could unfortunately be expected! – perhaps in our hearts, as compulsive buyers but also as small entrepreneurs who manage commercial activities, we hoped for a wider scope. Now, we just have to, diligently, accept and try to go to the Shopping Centers from Monday to Friday, queue up and try to enter respecting the proposed anti-gathering rules.
But the Shopping Center? How will it be able to adapt quickly to this new challenge?
Certainly with a limited number of access, thus limiting and controlling the numbers at the entrance and exit gates with barriers that allow you to manage the rows / queues but also the internal capacities of your shopping galleries, in order to pursue the anti-gathering rules and be able to limit as much as possible the flow of the many guests of the Christmas shopping 2020. The system Transenne.net, with the Barrier Space Mp2 and its own barrier systems with people counters it could be the modular solution to manage and regulate access and exit flows, perhaps guaranteeing with mandatory routes that lead guests to a targeted and more streamlined shopping, so as to guarantee numerical recycling by dividing and controlling not only internal areas, but also external ones.
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