Organized by the friends of Spartacus Triathlonlecco, in February the 1st round circuito Duathlon FiTri 2017 was held valid for the Rank Gold, as well as for the Spatacus Events ’17 Circuit. Held on the panoramic and historic lakefront of Lecco, with about 500 triathletes who measured themselves in three batteries (two male, and one female), on fast and equally technical routes, completely closed to traffic in the heart of Lecco. The population as usual participated in a very hot way despite the “cold” temperatures of the period.
A sporting event that grows from year to year and that attracts more and more athletes from all over Italy. “I believe – the comment of Mayor Brivio – that the Duathlon City of Lecco, as well as other sporting events scheduled during the summer, are a driving force for the much invoked tourism, a train to be taken on the fly for the good of the new economy of our city, increasingly appreciated outside our borders”. To then continue saying: “Lecco has all the credentials and nothing to envy to other places that literally “compete” to host such sporting events, among other things, in strong growth in lake towns such as Lecco.”
The race saw the following protagonists finish:
– for men: Daniel Hofer (athlete of the Carabinieri sports group) preceded Dario Chitti and Mario Corrà.
– for women: Giorgia Priarone (European Duathlon Champion), Sara Dossena, Verena Steinhauser.
Service: Rental, Transport and Laying
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