35th Ravano Tournament 2019 / 26th Paolo Mantovani Cup 2019
The strength of this tournament, in addition to the presence of numerous boys and girls from the world of 12 different disciplines – for a total of
703 teams
and over 6300 children followed by
508 educators
and a total of
over 20 thousand minutes of sport played
– it is undoubtedly also the involvement, increasingly important, of the institutions to guarantee their future.

The 12 disciplines consolidated and present at the Ravano Tournament: Men’s Football, Women’s Football, Basketball, Rugby, Volleyball, Cycling, Fencing, Athletics, Sailing, Rowing, Water Polo and Tennis. In offering children of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade schools a wide choice of team sports within the large “gym” the 11 Sports Federations involved to symbolize the formation of the game of football, which has given life to this tournament since 1985.

The schools, the children, therefore, have been extremely involved in Edutainment Workshops “LEARN BY PLAYING“. The Tournament team in fact dedicates the whole year to the search for partners who can contribute to transmitting current and important values such as: green energy, recycling, healthy nutrition, art and writing, promoting above all the territory.

The Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, speaking at the Ravano Tournament 2019, commented: “The Ravano Tournament is an all-Genoese pearl, of education to sport and life. It is important and strategic that the municipal administration collaborates so that this event can involve more and more young people. From the time of Paolo Mantovani to today, Ravano has always stood out for the importance that sports disciplines have in the training of our boys, but above all it has always been a source of essential values that must
to be at the base of the new generations of Genoese and Ligurians“.

The Managing Director for the Promotion and Education of Sport of the Municipality of Genoa, Stefano Anzalone, added: “Like any great value, knowing how to work as a team, being loyal to others and challenging each other together, is learned from an early age and accompanies us throughout our lives in our being adults. The Ravano Tournament has always been the testimony of the most joyful and spontaneous race that can be experienced”.

Also the Ligurian Regional Councillor for Communication, Training and Youth and Cultural Policies, Ilaria Cavo, said: “The Liguria Region has supported the Ravano Tournament in recent years, considering it a great moment of sport but also of aggregation and consolidation of values: a great lesson for school outside school. We can only rejoice at this step forward that relieves the organization from the cost of the Jean Nouvel pavilion, helps the tournament to grow and strengthens its relationship with the city”.

Ludovica Mantovani, who together with her sister Francesca carries on this competition conceived by her father Paolo, among other things comments: “…But let’s not forget the main ingredient: Love. Ravano is LIFE, it is a country of toys for children, THE meeting point between sport and school that come together with a common goal: to teach values such as respect for the rules and sportsmanship. Unfortunately, today schools are not always able to bring children closer to the different sports disciplines: our goal is just try new sports, we are not interested in breaking the record of numbers ….” – then, however, proudly adds – “… however, I am very proud of the success of
this 35th edition with the great news of having finally created the Fondazione Torneo Ravano Coppa Paolo Mantovani, a goal that we had set ourselves for some time and that will allow the Tournament to grow not only in terms of numbers but also outside of Liguria. The “Ravano” is still able to excite not only children, but also great and this year we managed to overcome the numbers, already incredible, of the last edition and therefore I would like to thank all those who support the “flagship” of Genoa and excite us above all the donations that are coming to us through our original Crowdfunding Collection “.

The fundraiser will finance the production of the 6500 kits (including an official SHIRT under uefa respect, shorts and socks) distributed to all participating children.

On our Facebook page you can find other images related to the event. Follow Us, STAY TUNED!


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